Bybl also wrote to the British and Foreign Bible Society to request such a translation, but the request was denied. Then God will give you his wonderful peace that one can never explain with your intellect. Mariaan Du Toit is currently reading it Jun 19, Always be happy because you know that you belong to the Lord. This translation was a dynamic equivalence translation, byebl was the first Afrikaans translation not to make use of the majority text. Shanee Davidse is currently reading it Nov 16, Chantal is currently reading it Oct 30, Die Here kom binnekort! Afrikaans 1933/1953 (AFR53) Cookies come in two flavours – persistent and transient.ĭan sal God julle sy wonderlike vrede gee wat ‘n mens nooit met jou verstand kan verklaar nie. Retrieved 3 May Daardie ongehoorsame harte bybdl julle wat so hard soos klip was, sal ek wegneem en julle ‘n hart gee wat gewillig is om te luister. This new direct translation fills that void. Do not brood over things or worry about yourself singular. Daarom sal God vir julle vrede gee, vrede wat baie beter is as enige iets waaraan mense kan dink, vrede wat die dinge beskerm wat julle dink. Wees altyd bly omdat julle weet dat julle aan die Here behoort.

Hierdie wete dat Jesus by jou is, sal keer dat die bekommernisse weer met jou emosies weghardloop of dat jy jou weer van voor af begin bekommer. Mike Breytenbach rated it did not like it Apr 21, The rebranded versions included Die Bybel dogters. zip (SF_AFR_AFR_(_ĭie Bybel – 1933/1953-vertaling : Standaardgrootte Naslaanbybel Met Addisionele Materiaal

Download of SF_AFR_AFR_(_ AFRIKAANS BYBEL). Download it once and read it on your Kindle. DIE BYBEL: Afrikaans /vertaling (Afrikaans Edition) – Kindle edition by Bible Society of South Africa. Module Identifier, Afr Book Name, / Afrikaans Bybel.